The current state of pastry and bakery education in Turkey
DOI: Kelimeler:
Turkey, Pastry, Bakery, Pastry EducationÖzet
The aim of this study is to examine the universities in Turkey that provide education in the field of pastry and bakery, analyze the academic personnel employed in these institutions, review their educational curricula, and contribute to the related literature. To achieve this aim, the content analysis technique, one of the qualitative research methods, was employed. By searching the terms "pastry and bakery" in the Higher Education Program Atlas, universities offering education in this field were identified. Following the identification of universities, the research population and sample were determined. The population of the study consists of higher education institutions, while the sample includes universities that offer associate degree programs in the field of pastry and bakery. A literature review was conducted to establish the conceptual framework, and it was determined that there are six universities providing education in the pastry and bakery department. These universities’ course curricula, academic staff profiles, and general institutional characteristics were analyzed using content analysis. The findings reveal that a total of 15 academic staff members are employed in these institutions, including 14 lecturers and 1 assistant professor. Among practical courses, bakery-related subjects were found to be the most frequently offered, while general courses focused on gastronomy dominated the theoretical curriculum. Based on the results obtained, recommendations for future improvements in the field are provided..
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