Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
Our authors must always provide proper attribution when using the ideas, data, or texts of others in their works. Attention to citation and referencing rules is essential. Authors are expected to verify the accuracy of the sources they use and to avoid any form of plagiarism. Submitted articles will be evaluated using plagiarism detection software (such as iThenticate, Turnitin, etc.).
The following rules are considered during the similarity ratio detection process:
Overall Similarity Ratio: The overall similarity ratio of the article must be 20% or below. Articles with a similarity ratio above 20% will be returned to the author without entering the peer review process.
Specific Source Similarity: Within the overall similarity ratio, the similarity ratio to any specific source must be below 2%.
Bibliographic Materials: Bibliographic materials (references, citations, etc.) are not included in the scanning process.
Editor Control: The editor may conduct similarity checks at any stage of the publication process.
Acceptance of Rules: All authors submitting articles are deemed to have accepted the rules mentioned above.
By maintaining our commitment to research and publication ethics, we will continue to promote academic integrity. It is important for our authors to carefully review these policies and act accordingly.